Today is Friday the 13th of May 2011. A day viewed by many as a source of paranoia, anxiety and/or fear. Phobias come in many varieties, from the common arachnophobia - fear of spiders, to the hilarious (but completely understandable - these things are scary as) zemmiphobia - the fear of the great mole rat. There's even a phobia concerning this very day: friggatriskaidekaphobia - the fear of Friday the 13th.
How people deal and cope with fears differs from person to person. How can one person, for instance, happily touch a tarantula but be defeated at the thought of touching cotton wool? I believe that fear manifests itself as a symptom of hormonal imbalance; One person may be more genetically inclined to develop phobias than others.
However, I don't know anywhere near enough about psycho-biology to comment on that.
However, I don't know anywhere near enough about psycho-biology to comment on that.
What I do know is that there are people out there who are scared. Scared of things that other people may belittle, or scared to show their emotions to others, or even too scared to admit that they have these fears in the first place. And what happens to those people that are scared of themselves? To look in the mirror everyday and hate the person staring back at them because they find certain aspects of themselves too hard to accept.
I'm not suggesting that this type of fear is easily overcome. What I would like to say is, however you deal (or, as the case may be, not deal) with fear, it's important to not let it rule your life, or indeed, stop it from letting you become - in the immortal words of the great Jessie J - who you are... even though I've probably heard several other people say that... :|
Yep, I defo just crossed the threshold into ULTIMATE cheese :)
(also - are the cool kids still saying "defo" these days?!)
Yep, I defo just crossed the threshold into ULTIMATE cheese :)
(also - are the cool kids still saying "defo" these days?!)
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