Thursday, 26 May 2011

Pop music - I love it.

My taste in music has been called into question on a number of occasions. So for all the "haters" out there... this one's for you.

(Pah! I don't really use the word "haters..." I just figured I'd act all independent and sassy for a change... ¬¬) *clicks fingers*

This is me.
This is completely irrelevant... I just thought it was funny. 
People often assume that, because of my degree choice (Music - in case you didn't already know from my previous two music-related blog posts...- three if you count when I briefly mentioned it in this post) that either a) I have somewhat "superior" opinion of music and will only like eclectic music of "artistic integrity," - which translates to generally mean anything that hasn't appeared in the top 40. Or b) that my taste is limited to classical music.

I can safely assure you, my musical tastes fall into neither category. I like pop music. The cheesier the better. But... having said that, my musical taste isn't limited to pop music specifically. I judge music, not just by genre, but by it's playability (i.e. how easy it would be to cover on piano - check out my Youtube channel - or not... whatever), and by how "interesting" I find the chords. If a song uses the same four chords throughout... it begins to bore me. In fact, it's fair to say that I'd appreciate the musical ingenuity of a Cascada song as much as a Killers song, provided they both have an interesting musical basis. It's not a case of: "oh wow... you listen to *insert token "pop artist" here* ?! How lame!" I'm not thinking about the artists in terms of their perceived cultural standing. I'm not concerned either with whether you deem them to be any less an "artist," than "real musicians" (i.e. those "band" bands that feature live instruments... :O), when both their music, ultimately, consists of the same chords, repeated ad infinitum. 

Regrettably, there are very few artists these days that are doing anything in terms of "forward-thinking" music. No one artist in the current charts are doing anything more "musically intriguing" to me than another (not, at least, in terms of their musical structure). 

She may be bald... but her musics not bad. 
I think people nowadays are too quick to make assumptions on artists by what they read about concerning their personal lives. Why should Britney Spears shaving her head make her any less of an artist? (bald people are artists too y'know...)

So the next time you might shudder in fear at the thought of me listening to a Britney Spears song - just remember - It's not a case of whether or not I like Britney Spears... for whatever reason (I personally think she's a danger to herself and everyone around her...[ I kid, of course... ] ), it's more a case of liking her music than anything else. 

(by the way, if you happened to have stumbled upon my Youtube channel, be wary of the fact I WILL be uploading new videos in the summer... You have been warned... o.O)

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